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Somelines about us:

ONLINE QURANIC ACADEMY offers purely education courses which are online especially designed for kids and children although these online lectures have attracted people of all ages. ONLINE QURANIC ACADEMY is not only Quran Islamic teaching website but it is complete online school which offers complete Islamic study courses and lectures for kids and children. Quran teaching and Islamic teaching for children has been problem for people in distant area's but ONLINE QURANIC ACADEMY has solved this problem and they offer 24/7/365 Islamic courses and online Islamic teaching sessions for kids and people of all ages.

* Reaches those with no knowledge or those who wish to advance further in Quran, Arabic or Tajweed;

* Equips students with the skill to recite the Quran correctly and enhance student to read, speak, write and comprehend Quran and Hadeeth or Dua's

* Delivered innovatively through the use of new technologies.


All classes are taught using the latest conference technology of sound and graphic. Kids are able to chat to their teacher, chat with their classmates and actively participate in class using a set of interactive tools such as raising their hand, asking a question, or practicing their Arabic on the whiteboard with the teacher.


We are providing Our services to every individual anywhere in the world who has access to a high speed internet connection (DSL, Broadband) at affordable cost. Our complete range of services includes :


* Quran Reading Education for Beginners

* Tajweed Classes for Advance learners

* Quran Translation and Memorization

* Basic Islamic teachings





Who we are......?

ONLINE QURANIC ACADEMY is the first product of its kind which provides online Quran learning classes in a way that is highly professional and customer centric.

We are not affiliated to any sect, group or mosque and provide Quran learning classes in the light of the holy Quran only we are proud to point out that we have students learning with us who come from different sects but get exactly the same kind of satisfaction while reading from us predominantly because of the point that we don’t stress any specific agenda or opinion and stick to Quran learning to the fullest.

Who our teachers are?

We have got skills teachers graduated from some of the top Islamic universities having excellent knowledge of Quran, tajweed, tafseer as well as excellent grasp on English as well as Arabic.

We have a teacher training program that ensures excellent quality of lectures. We also have a dedicated quality assurance department that ensures the teacher's quality as well his student handling skills.

How it Work..?

Contact us online and register online or through phone or email and check out our service for 3 days, free of cost. We will be allocating a time slot for the online lectures based on your convenience. After that, you can decide to sign up with us and continue paid lectures on an ongoing basis.

How would tutoring class take place?

The classes require you having a PC with internet and headphones. The classes are based on audio as well as visual interaction. The visual interaction comprises of sharing the screen of the teacher with the student so that the teacher and the student have the same page in front of them which will act as their teaching board having all teaching content displayed on it.

How can i register?

We have a smooth, free flowing online registration process; alternatively, students can also register with us by calling any of our furnished phone numbers or through email.

We have customer support staff who can guide the users with the registration process. After registration, we conduct a 1 week trial period where the students take classes without signing up and paying a tuition fee, after the end of the trial, the students can go forward with a paid signup and begin our classes on a regular basis.